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Advanced Handgun


Please note: Price does NOT include $25 range fee. By clicking the “Register” button, you will be taken to where you can view the class dates and register to attend the class of your choice.

SKU: 03AHG Category:

PLEASE NOTE: As a result of California’s Ammunition Purchase Authorization Program, some ammunition buyers may experience delays. Please be sure to purchase your ammunition well in advance. For more information, please read this article. If you need any assistance, please call us at (951)750-2793.

Advanced Handgun Class

The Advanced Handgun Class class is for the Intermediate class graduate or anyone with significant experience with handguns.  A comfortable working knowledge of firearms, firearm safety, and shooting fundamentals are a prerequisite.

We will be reinforcing all of the safety principles and shooting fundamentals that we teach in our Intermediate class, as many shooters take the basic and Intermediate class, and then allow a substantial amount of time to pass before they continue. Being a perishable skill, safe gun handling and shooting skills must be practiced and reinforced.

The Advanced Pistol class is designed for those who want to increase their knowledge, experience, and skill level with handguns. The new handgun owner must become intimately familiar with their new firearm, and master it fully. Additionally, the safe and effective use of holsters and magazine pouches along with expedient magazine changes will be taught, demonstrated, and practiced on the range.

The use of holsters is NOT as simple as it sounds. That is the reason that almost all public ranges prohibit their use. The tactically proper use of the holster and conducting reloads are vital skills that MUST be learned correctly. After teaching thousands of Police Officers, Deputies, and Federal Agents, we are experts at it.

There are many factors that can keep a shooter from achieving the level of accuracy that they desire, and, because of our experience, we know them all.  In addition, we have a “Bag of Tricks” developed over decades for dealing with these habits and errors, to facilitate their elimination, thereby allowing our students to progress to the level that they are capable of.

Supervised and coached live-fire exercises ensure students properly grasp all learning objectives, including improved accuracy, timed shooting, and marksmanship at greater distances.

Speed and accuracy are the basics of the time spent on the range.  The lecture will be about one and half hours and range time will be about three and half hours.  Students should bring 300 rounds of ammunition, their own handgun or (rent one of ours), an appropriate holster, a magazine pouch, and at least three magazines or speed loaders.  This class will help you become a more skillful shooter while increasing your confidence.

We can provide ear and eye protection, although students are encouraged to bring their own if they have them.

We conduct this class once a month (see the Calendar of Courses) at the Lytle Creek Firing Line Range. The range is at the very end of the paved road, which is about 12 pleasant minutes from the 15 Freeway. Classes begin at 8am (9am in the winter) when the range opens, and our staff will be waiting for you when you drive in the gate.

Upon Successful Completion of this class, a Certification Card will be awarded from Inland Firearms Training.  This course will allow you to pursue more advanced levels of training.

Also dependent upon the scheduled course start & stop time you may wish to bring snacks and water for yourself.

Class Capacity:
5 students per Instructor Max

Class Length:
Approximately 5 hours

Enrollment and Payment:

You may complete the enrollment and payment process by clicking the “See Class Dates and Register” button above. This will take you to our class management site. Once you have completed the checkout process and your payment is received, you will get a confirmation email with instructions on how and where we meet for the range, as well as any other information specific to the class.  If you don’t see a date for the course you are interested in, please contact us to make an appointment.

You will need to complete one course Liabilty Waiver Form for each student attending and if you have paid by credit card either online or over the phone please remember to bring a copy of the completed enrollment/waiver form with you on the day of the class.